The Sistine Chapel
Several years ago the Vatican undertook a restoration project of the paintings that cover the ceilings of the Sistine Chapel. It seems that these once vibrant and beautiful paintings of Michael Angelo had become darkened and grayed through the years by dust, grime and soot.
Carefully, by applying pastes of mild solvents, the dirt and grime was slowly brushed away. When they were finished the colors came alive again, and the paintings were seen in a beauty with which they had not been seen in many centuries.
I see in this a parallel to religion. No one can doubt, when reading the New Testament, that the church in its infancy was exciting and vibrant. However, down through the years of synods and councils, our religious world has become very confusing and the church sometimes lifeless. What then are we to do?
I propose applying a solvent—the Word of God. Let us throw away all of the manuals, creed books, and disciplines, and go back to the Bible alone.