Our Vision:
Creating a Family that builds up families.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to provide a safe and spiritually uplifting environment where teens come to know God and grow in their faith; to encourage, train and enable them to use their individual talents to better serve God and tell others about Him.

Youth Group
Get Connected. Go Deeper.
Our youth & family group is made up of many families in the surrounding area. Each family loves the Lord and their brothers and sisters in Christ. We know how to have fun together and how to build one another up spiritually. We have a very active youth and family ministry.
Youth Group Events
Below are some of the events that our Youth and Family attend and support. We believe that these events reinforce valuable teachings and offer great encouragement to our youth.

Exposure Youth Camp
December 27th - 30th
Exposure Youth Camp is an event that takes place December 27-30 every year in Huntsville, Alabama. Camp is driven by engaging worship, challenging classes and team time.

Maywood Christian Camp
July 7th - 12th
Nestled on more than 80 acres of land in northwest Alabama, Maywood Christian Camp offers its facilities to churches of Christ and groups associated with the Church of Christ. Everyone works hard to help the campers have fun, and more importantly, encourage, motivate and teach them to be better Christian young people.

Lads to Leaders
The purpose of Lads to Leaders is to help instill the Word of God into youth and adults, so that they will stand firm in the faith. Teaching students to do “Bible things in Bible ways” is the essence of this great program.

Maywood Camp
Maywood Christian Camp is for students 7 years and up. Everyone works hard to help the campers have fun, and more importantly, encourage, motivate and teach them to be better Christian young people.

Kids September Series
Kids September Series is an annual event held each Wednesday night during the month of September. The series emphasizes teaching our young students to love God and His word. We offer classes and activities for all children from Nursery to 6th grade.